When you operate a service vehicle running from job to job all over town, you need equipment that works as hard as you do. You also want reliability, efficiency and performance no matter how far off the beaten path your work may take you. That’s why we developed SOLAR industrial power inverters. They go from dawn ’til dusk, with a duty cycle even tougher than that of a service tech. SOLAR power inverters deliver the clean, stable power that electronics, power tools and appliances love.
Many power inverters are rated based on the power they deliver when your 12V power source is fully charged (~12.8V). The problem with this is that such a power source doesn’t really exist. Once you start powering devices, your power source begins to become depleted. That’s the real world. And that’s where SOLAR power inverters shine. SOLAR units deliver their rated power until the power source runs all the way down to 11V. This is the difference between finishing the job and being caught short. These inverters come with multiple AC outlets so you can run more than one tool or appliance at a time. Heavy-duty input studs ensure there won’t be a twist when the cables are connected. We’re all about safety here at Clore, so naturally, these inverters come with lots of safety features too. These include overload protection, overheat protection, short circuit protection and low/over-voltage shutdown. These inverters are cETLus-approved. They are backed by a one-year warranty.
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