JNC660 Helps with the Bees!


“Six years ago I decided to start my hobby, beekeeping. Bees need to be given medicine like some of us. Theirs is a treatment using Oxalic Acid Vaporization. The tool to deliver it is basically an aluminum block with a glo-plug in it. It also runs on 12 Volt power.

Instead of spending hundreds of dollars on a 120 Volt unit and more on an extension cord, I use my 12 Volt unit and power it with my JNC660. I just make sure it is charged fully and it will run up to 12 treatments that take about 4 minutes each. So far I haven’t heard of anyone else using a jumper in this manner.

PLUS, it also jump starts my cars and trucks if I need it to!”

Claremore, OK

4 Responses

  1. I used to loan out my JNC-660 power pac to a friend who was working from home as a Computer Whiz so she could work 24/7 on server farm change-overs all night when her commercial electric power was sketchy. Her powerful laptop computer worked fine from the 12vdc power outlet of my JNC. She was a “rockstar” within her team for having her own backup power.
    Ralphie in St Louis, MO

    1. Ralph – Thanks for your comment. That’s a new one on us. We have heard many different uses of the JNC660, but never for use in server farm change-overs. That’s very interesting. We are glad it worked so well for her. Thanks again, Jim from Clore Automotive

    1. Jon – Apologies for the error. Your story has been updated. Thanks for the heads up. Jay from Clore Automotive.

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