Brick-Free Legacy GM PCM Reprogramming


Bricking modules seems to be as much a topic in 2025 as it was in 2015. The reality seems to us to be that, if you are doing programming, you eventually are going to brick a module. But, there are steps that can be taken to reduce the likelihood of it happening, including handling known sensitive modules with care and a solid gameplan.

Enter this great resource from our friend Michael in Utah. Here, he addresses the steps shops can take to avoid bricking a legacy GM PCM. Here’s a summary of the problem, in his words: “From sad experience, I have found these to be brick prone. There is lots of talk online of why these are bricking, the most common explanation is that the new J2534 tools lack the ability to slow the data enough. This force feeds the ECU faster than it can take the program.”

He then lays out his strategy for avoiding bricked legacy GM PCMs, identifying the equipment and software needed to successfully reprogram these modules. If you are servicing these vehicles regularly or if you’ve ever bricked one of these modules, this one is for you.

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