JNC770R Makes Jump Starting Easier


“Two weeks ago, I was in the process of purchasing a home, accompanied by the real estate representative. When we arrived at the house, we saw two cars in the driveway. We thought that they were potential customers and waited in our car.

I then noticed that jumper cables were being used to jump a 1991 truck. It happened that the renter of the house had left their pickup in the driveway for three months and they were unable to jump start it with her friend’s car.

I went and helped them with my JNC770R. On the second try, the truck started. The vehicle owner very emotionally indicated it had belonged to her father who had passed away. Then, the vehicle owner, her friend and the real estate person all asked me where they could get one. I already own three JNC660 and three JNC770R.

The JNC770R, with its long cables, helps people who cannot lift the jumper close to the engine. I am one of those, since I am 74 years old. My wife had to jump start her van and was able to do it on her own. I carry the jumpers in my five vehicles and have one extra in the house.

I just purchased a JNC770R as a gift to the real estate person who helped me get a house that I wanted.”

El Paso, TX

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