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The Story of a Booster PAC and a Car That’s Like a Member of the Family

I own a 1975 Chevelle Malibu Classic. It is getting very hard to find parts for her. She would not start, which is unusual for her over the 30 years I have owned her. I connected my ES5000 and she started right up! Guess I need a new battery.

Due to the fact she is older and parts are hard to find, I have decided not to purchase a battery at $85.00. I won’t need one now until I decide if I keep her or sell her. I can take my portable battery booster with me and just jump her if need be. Easy peasy for me – saves me money and will give me time to make the decision I am facing.ES5000

She has never let me down. I maintained her while I raised my kids, taught them to drive and she never let me down. This will give me the time I need to make a serious decision. I do not want her going to a race track. She has been too faithful to me and my family. Thank you for letting me tell my story of my car.

Yes I am a woman and I love my girl and my new jump starter.

London, Ontario

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