“I drive a 2021 Honda Insight touring model hybrid. I have had multiple times when I have had problems getting my car started, as Honda did not provide an adequate 12 Volt battery.
After calling the Honda support line, I asked the tech that showed up to jump start my car what type of battery pack he was using. I thought they must use a good quality one, as they do this every day.
He emailed that they use the Jump-N-Carry jump pack from Clore. I immediately ordered the model he suggested.
Since then, I have used the JNC660 multiple times on my car, and other peoples’ cars, with great success. I have also convinced all my friends to purchase this same jump pack also.”
Austin, TX
6 Responses
My wife bought mine back 5 years ago and still works great just love my jnc660 bought the cover for it and I charge it up when I get a e mail from you guys from a old disabled veteran nam era at 78 years old keep up the great work god bless the good old USA ????????????????????
Tcostello1@ oh.rr.com
I bought the exact same one about 4 years ago. Needed my work truck jumped: a 2017 Ford Transit. AAA did it and The driver had 5 of these on his truck, so i got one.
Sadly, Mine only Lasted a year and 4 or 5 jumps. Would no longer take a charge, even after doing the recommended monthly recharges. Shame.
I literally chucked in the dumpster at work.
Never got another one.
Darren – We’re very sorry that you had a bad experience. That is unusual. The unit did have a 1-year warranty. Again, we apologize for your poor experience with the product. Thanks, Jim from Clore Automotive
Fall is the time of the season when we start putting boats away. The initial start of cold weather is the first thing to knock boat batteries down, so when I go to pick up a boat I carry my JNS660 with me. Invariably there is distance from the road down to the customers boat dock and generally no power down there ether. My JNS660 has saved me a lot of trips back and forth and allowed to me to get boats started and head to the landing. Thank Core.
By the way my JNS660 is a 2017 model, I recently replaced the original battery which brought the unit back to like new condition. Replacing the battery is simple, just do a youtube search.
Rich – Thanks for your comment. Great to hear that your JNC660 has served you well. For sure, our a quality jumpp starter like a JNC can be a real time saver and hassle reducer. We are glad your battery replacement went well and that your unit is back to like new status. Thanks again, Jim from Clore Automotive