I have been a technician for about 35 years now, and over the years I have had your jumper packs. The first one I ever bought lasted me over six years, which at the time was unheard of because there were a lot of other manufacturers trying their hand at this market and the failure rate was huge. There is nothing worse than a dead vehicle AND a dead jumper pack! I have owned your competitor’s compact, high amp, supposed to be all that jumper pack only to find it gave up in less than a year and a half. Over priced and a big disappointment!
So your jumper pack has been a mainstay for me, especially for the last 14 years while owning my own shop. With the day-to-day, week in, week out, need to jump start vehicles of all sizes and amp draws, it never fails to perform. I knew I had the right jumper when I had a Ford F-250 7.3 diesel that was stone dead. These engines require an enormous amount of amps to turn them over. Others at my shop scoffed when I attached your jumper pack to one of the dual batteries, but they were silent when that engine whirled over and started without so much as a hiccup! No towing that one on that day!
You’ve heard the old saying: “Never leave home without it”… well, I never take a trip without my jumper pack. It’s like an old friend that I can count on to be there when I’m in a jam and no one else is around to lend a hand. This new model JNC660 is so convenient to re-charge, plus with the built in volt meter, I can do so many on the spot diagnosis that it has earned its place as one of the handiest tools I have ever owned! No word of a lie: I can’t picture being without it!
– Don Stephenson, Poughkeepsie, NY