PRO-LOGIX PL2320 Tool Review


This month, we will be featuring a review of our PRO-LOGIX PL2320 Battery Charger from a recent issue of Professional Tool and Equipment News (PTEN).

PRO-LOGIX PL2320 Tool Review
– PTEN, April 2012

“The small profile, easy hook up, portability of this charger made a normally mundane task effortless,” says Lou Fort, lead technician at K.A.R.S. Inc. in Huntingburg, IN.

He explained there were four easy steps to using the PRO-LOGIX battery charger, for a relatively ‘automatic’ process:

  1. Set the proper voltage for the battery being charged 
  2. Select the correct battery type (gel AGM or standard) 
  3. Select the rate of charge: 2 amp, 10 amp or a 20 amp rate. 
  4. Push the ‘charge’ button.

Lou advised there were some unrequired easy extra steps, if users wanted to get more information from the battery as well. “If your curiosity wants to know what the current percentage of charge and voltage are before you start the charge, (push) a button one or two times.”

And once the charge was complete? “The units display lamps make it easy to see if the charge is complete from at least 6 bays away,” says Lou.

Lou also found the automatic polarity check feature handy. “There is a ‘Polarity’ check done automatically with a lamp to alert you if it’s wrong,” explains Lou. “Have you ever seen a battery that was reversed charged? I have and can tell you if you aren’t aware of it when attempting a recharge the outcome is scary dangerous.”

And, he liked the automatic ‘fault’ testing found on the PL2320. The testing provides “a light to alert you to a problem, which is not commonly found on a charger.”

Other features Lou appreciated were the options to choose the rate of battery charge, “allowing me to select from either the 20-, 10- or 2-amp rate,” says Lou. “And knowing if I want to go with a fast (20 amp) charge that the charger will not overcharge the battery should I become distracted or forget it was being charged.”

As far as room for improvement, Lou thought of a few extra features. “I would love to be able to use (the PL2320) for a ‘programming’ power source. It would be nice to change or lock the voltage output to a constant, say like 3, 5-volt and 6, 9-volt,” says Lou. “With a set of ‘banana plug’ jacks, it would make a dynamite bench testing power source.”

If you would like to know more about the PL2320, the charger that Lou liked so much,
please click here to learn more.

Click here to read the original article.

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