“One Sunday night, I had 5 dead batteries in our 20 year old Airstream motor home and we were 400 miles from home. A Triple A tech came on Monday morning to jump start the coach, using your Booster PAC ES5000. He said, “All the pros here use these.” I told him, “I gotta have one!”
I sent an email to you, and called around Morro Bay to see where I could purchase one. I drove 20 miles to San Luis Obispo to a Napa Auto Parts store and bought the device there. I charged it for about 18 hours over Monday night and needed a jump again on Tuesday morning. Your device worked like a charm on my old Cummins Diesel engine, even though the unit was not fully charged. And I was able to make the 400 mile trek home yesterday.
DELIGHTED with that jump starter. It’s now my “silver bullet” just in case I cannot find the electrical leak that caused my batteries to go dead.”
Morro Bay, CA