Booster PAC Delivers for Stranded EV Customer


“My first jump start was for a Tesla. I remember the service call sounded strange – jump start an electric Tesla? As I located the address, it was a gas station and, as I pulled in, I noticed several charging stations. I did not find the customer, so I called them and asked them where they were located. The customer replied that he was at one of the charging stations.

I then was able to locate the customer. I noticed the Tesla was plugged in to the charging station. The customer stated, “The electric battery is ok… it’s the 12 Volt battery that needs a jump.” Well, ok.

I attached my ES2500 Booster PAC and then the customer stated, “OK, Thanks!” The Tesla was started. At the time, it seemed weird that the Tesla would charge its high voltage system, but not the 12 Volt.”

G & M Emergency Roadside Assistance
Galesburg, MI

4 Responses

  1. Can someone tell me why there isn’t some kind of inverter or something to prevent this from happening by turning a switch to jump start the 12V battery on those vehicles?

    1. Paul – Thanks for your question. It seems that would be a good idea. We’re not sure why it isn’t already built into these vehicle designs. The high voltage battery has plenty of power to charge the low voltage battery. So far, we’ve never seen a good explanation of why such a feature isn’t incorporated into the design. Thanks, Jim from Clore AUtomotive

    1. Joe – Sorry for any confusion. Our customer, Gary, was able to use his trusted Booster PAC unit to perform a roadside assist for a customer with a Tesla. He was surprised that such a task was necessary. We have written about this previously. All EV models feature a low voltage battery in conjunction with the high voltage battery. If the low voltage battery is dead, your EV is essentially bricked until the issue is resolved. I hope this helps. Thanks, Jim from Clore Automotive

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