High Season for No Start Conditions


Pro_noStart_625x385In this article, we gather resources related to the diagnosis and repair of no start conditions. Each year, the incidence of starting and charging system issues rises as the mercury drops. Below we highlight several vehicle-specific issues you should know about and provide links to useful resources related to electrical system troubleshooting.

Key Conflicts Resulting in a Bug That Won’t Start
This quick TSB, spotlighted on AutoServiceProfessional.com, references interference that can be caused by having multiple electronic keys/transponders on the same key ring. It also identifies the specific faults that may be logged due to this issue:
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VW No Crank or Intermittent Crank
This Tech Tip, from AutoCarePro.com, addresses situations in which owners of various late model VW vehicles report Intermittent Crank or No Crank conditions. The Tech Tip suggests that a common cause for this condition stems from issues with the Steering Column Electronic Systems Control Module (J527):VW

BMW 550i Intermittent No Start
Replacing the battery on late model BMW vehicles requires registering the new battery with the power control module. If this step is skipped or done improperly, it can result in an intermittent no start condition and a dead battery. This Tech Tip, spotlighted on AutoCarePro.com, addresses the problem and suggests remedies:bmw

Ohm’s Law and Parasitic Drains
Parasitic drains are a common topic here are CloreInfo.com. They result in two operations near and dear to our hearts, jump starting and battery charging. In this informative video on DiagnosticNews.com, Dave Hobbs provides a quick refresher on Ohm’s Law and some real world examples of how a strong grasp of it can be very useful in electrical diagnosis:

Voltage Drop Testing to Pinpoint Problem’s Source
In this detailed article, Alex Portillo from AutoServiceProfessional.com illustrates how voltage drop testing can be used to identify the source of an intermittent stall. First, he walks through the basics of voltage drop testing and then shows how it was used to diagnose a series of issues on a customer’s 2000 GMC Safari to ultimately pinpoint the source of the problem:

It seems there is no end to no start and intermittent start issues, which shouldn’t come as a surprise based on the complexity of today’s vehicles. We hope the articles and videos highlighted above are helpful as you tackle troublesome electrical problems. We’d love to hear your comments on the above resources. Are these issues you have run into? If so, how have you solved them?





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