We get a great deal of feedback from the purchasers and users of our products, which we value immensely. Sometimes it is a product suggestion. Often it is a question or a request for product documentation, such as for a user’s manual. Occasionally, it is criticism.
One of the most frequent types of feedback is from users expressing their satisfaction with our product because it is serving them well in the situation in which they deploy it. This month, we are sharing a sampling of recent testimonials related to our Jump-N-Carry JNC660 jump starter.
“I’m in the Pine Straw business. I drive a truck and a trailer and I always make sure I have my jump start 660. I have had to use it so many times because these old trucks can’t sit very long and also have helped a few stranded motorists…”
John Condrey
Columbus, NC
“I am a refrigeration tech that has several older diesel pickups and a diesel service truck that usually only get used once every few months (due to me usually driving a company truck). The JNC660 always helps them get started in cold weather, and even has enough power to use with my winch on my utility trailer!”
Mark Blomer
Cincinnati, OH
“This is the best jump starter I have ever purchased. I threw so many away. Nothing compares to the JNC660. I use it almost everyday, as a tow recovery unit operator and for personal use. I am going to purchase the big guy. JNC1224. Thank u Clore. Keep up the good work!!!”
Jimmy Segovia
Sylmar, California
“My JNC660 not only gets me and some fellow travelers back on the road quickly after an inconvenient dead battery. It’s also an integral part of my camping equipment, on my week long camping trips to Yosemite. It stays right in my tent and allows me to inflate my air mattress with a pump inside the tent instead of outside and then trying to squeeze it through the tiny door. It also keeps my cellphone charged and ready right where I need it.”
Tim Schultz
Pleasanton, CA
From East Coast to West, in The U.S., Canada and around the world, the JNC660 is serving the needs of professional and personal equipment users. You can learn more about the JNC660 here.
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